The benefits of deep pressure massage for children with sensory needs
May 24, 2024
I have posted a video on my YouTube channel discussing the benefits of deep pressure massage for children and I wanted to share it with you. As a family, we really enjoy the benefits of deep pressure massage. Its such a lovely way to connect and it's really helpful as part of the bedtime routine.
What is deep pressure massage?
Deep pressure is when the body receives firm touch input such as a cuddle, squeeze, firm stroke or massage. This can be given through human touch or through special sensory items such as a lycra body sock or a compression vest.
What are the sensory benefits?
When the body receives this deep pressure it has a calming effect on the nervous system and this happens alongside a release of feel-good hormones. Research has shown that deep touch pressure can particularly benefit children with autism, ADHD and sensory processing needs. It can help reduce anxiety and help children feel happier and calmer.
Of course, everyone is different so whilst it is worth a try, deep pressure is not for everyone, in fact one of my son’s does not like it and he says it hurts him and my other son loves it!
What equipment is needed?
In terms of sensory equipment to support deep pressure, I recommend the not for profit company A Stitch Different CIC who sell items such as weighted blankets, Lycra tube tunnels, sensory spiders and compression sheets, all of which provide deep pressure.
3 easy massages you can do at home
In terms of easy things you can do at home, there are 3 types of deep pressure massage that I love. If you check out my YouTube channel, you can see my demo videos on Therapy Ball Massage, Story Massage and a new video…Pizza Massage!
I'd love to hear if you give this a try! If you haven't already, why not join my private Facebook Group and you can post in there to let me know which deep pressure techniques are working for your family.
If you are interested in how I can support your family then please check out my website.
Bye for now!
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